1. Honor and Shame in the work of Constantinos Theotokis, Canadian Review of Comparative  Literature 25:3-4 (September/December 1998), pp.554-561.


2. Some observations about the Suicide of the Adulteress in the Modern Novel, Comparative Literature and Culture Web Journal, 1.2, June 1999.


3. Globalisation and Conferencing Comparative Literature in Egypt and Slovenia Comparative Literature and Culture Web Journal, 3.1, March, 2001.


4.Captain Cazanis and Critsotopoula, the last Cretan epics, Romanticna Pesnitev, Proceedings of the conference «The romantic epic poem», Ljubljana, 4-6 December 2000. Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, 2002, pp. 601-608.

5.Hypertext:Surpassing the limitations of the text, Literary Criticism at the Threshold of the  Century, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Literary Criticism, Cairo 2000, editor: Ezz Eldin Ismail, Cairo 2003, pp. 177-186. It was translated in Arab as well.

6 Prva ljubezen Ivana Turgenjeva in grskega pisatelja Ioannisa Kondilakisa (The first love in Ivan Turgenev and John Kondilakis), translated from English by Vera Troha in  Primerjalna Knjizevnost, (Comparative Literature), volume 28, Nr 1, Liubljana, June 2005, pp. 91-97. Also in

http://www.zrc-sazu.si/sdpk/images/2005-1.pdf  pp. 91-98

7. The wicked character or the wicked in the character? Communication given at a conference entitled «Perspectives on evil and human wickedness», Prague, 15-20 March 2002. http://users.otenet.gr/~hdermi/praha.final.htm

8. The depiction of man and woman in language and through language. The first part of a communication intended to be given at a conference. Instead, the Some observations about the Suicide of the Adulteress in the Modern Novel was given, in Greek. Published in Lexima, a Greek web journal, 17-1-2009 http://www.lexima.gr/lxm/read-1613.html

9. Nature and Culture: an unresolved polarity. The case of aggression. Communication given at a conference of the «Egyptian Association for the Theory of Literature» in collaboration with Ain Shams University entitled «Cultural Criticism», given in Cairo on December 10-14, 2003. Published in Lexima, a Greek web journal, 27-1-2010 http://www.lexima.gr/lxm/read-1617.html