Κινηματογραφικές κριτικές

Δεν έχω κάνει ειδικές σπουδές, αλλά επειδή μου αρέσει ο κινηματογράφος, όπως σε όλους μας άλλωστε, γράφω καμιά φορά στο blog μου για καμιά ταινία. Γράφω ακόμη και εκτός blog, σε ένα αρχείο, για δική μου χρήση, έστω και μόνο για να δω αν έχω ήδη δει μια ταινία για να μην την ξαναδώ (τελικά σήμερα -19/11/2011-αποφάσισα να αναρτήσω και αυτά τα μικρά κειμενάκια στο blog μου, για να μην είναι υποχρεωμένος κάποιος που θέλει να τα διαβάσει να τα κατεβάσει). Αυτά τα κείμενα αποφάσισα, κατόπιν παρότρυνσης αγαπητής φίλης, να τα αναρτήσω και στην ιστοσελίδα μου. Όταν τα έψαξα, είδα με έκπληξη ότι πλησίαζαν τα 100 (με τις σημερινές αναρτήσεις τα έχουν ξεπεράσει). Τα αναρτημένα στο blog μου αναφέρονται κυρίως σε ό,τι με εντυπωσίασε. Και φυσικά δεν γράφω για όλες τις ταινίες που βλέπω, αντίθετα από ό,τι κάνω με τα βιβλία που διαβάζω. Μια και ο κατάλογος γίνεται λίγες μόλις μέρες μετά την ενεργοποίηση αυτής της ιστοσελίδας, έχω όλη την άνεση να τον κάνω αλφαβητικά. Έτσι θα βρίσκω πιο εύκολα τα κείμενα. Δίνω τα ονόματα, και προσπαθώ και τους τίτλους, στα αγγλικά ή με λατινικούς χαρακτήρες. Φυσικά λείπουν ταινίες αριστουργήματα τις οποίες έχω δει εδώ και χρόνια, και για τις οποίες δεν έχω γράψει, όπως π.χ. για τα έργα του Κουροσάβα.Το κίνητρο για να γράφω κριτικές μου το έδωσε το blog, όπου διατηρώ πάντα την ελπίδα ό,τι αναρτώ να το διαβάσει έστω και ένα άτομο. Και επειδή αυτό το blog το έχω πληρώσει ακριβά, ας κάνω μια μικρή απόσβεση αναρτώντας και τα κείμενα που έχω γράψει για ταινίες και θεατρικές παραστάσεις.

Θέλω να παραπέμψω σε ένα καταπληκτικό
blog, με την ιδιοκτήτρια του οποίου συμμεριζόμαστε το ίδιο πάθος για τις ιρανικές ταινίες. Έχει γράψει σχεδόν για όλες όσες έχω γράψει κι εγώ. Ονομάζεται "Σκύλλα και Χάρυβδη" και η διεύθυνσή του είναι εδώ.  http://charybdeetscylla.blogspot.com/ Να προσθέσω ένα απόσπασμα που άκουσα πρόσφατα από συνέντευξη του Θόδωρου Αγγελόπουλου, που μας δικαιώνει: Έχει την αίσθηση κανείς ότι ο διεθνής κινηματογράφος επιζεί χάρη στην ύπαρξη του ιρανικού και του κινέζικου κινηματογράφου.


Aaron Schneider, Greyhound
Aaron Sorkin, The trial of the Chicago 7
Kiarostami, Copie confirme, γνήσιο αντίγραφο (2010)
Abbas Kiarostami, Like some one in love, και No
Kiarostami, Close up

Abbas Kiarostami et al., To each his cinema
Abbas Kiarostami, most of his movies

Abbas Kiarostami, Fellow citizen
Abbas Kiarostami, 24 frames
Abbas Kiarostami, I also can
Abdella Taia, Salvation army
Abdellatif Kechiche, La vie d' Adel
Abdellatif Kechiche, All his films
Abdellatif Kechiche, Mektoub, my love
Abderrahmane Sissako, 5 movies
Abderrahmane Sissako, Tiya's dream
Kahani, Twenty και εδώ
Abdolreza Kahani, Over there
Abel Ferrara, Bad lieutenant
Abolfazl Jalili,
Abolfazl Jalili, Daan
Αbolhassan Davoodi
Abolhassan Davoodi, Crazy rook
Abolhassan Davoodi, Pickpockets don't go to heaven

Abolhassan Davoodi, The rain man
Abolhassan Davoodi, Motherland
Abolhassan Davoodi, Junction
Αbolhassan davoodi, Centipede and Centipede 2
Adam McKay, The big short
Adam McKay, Don't look up
Adil El Arbi, Bad boys for life
Agnes Varda, Cleo de 5 a 7
Agnes Varda, Le bonheur
Agnes Varda, Varda by Agnes
Agusti Villaronga, Incerta gloria
Agusti Villaronga, Pa negre
Agustin Diaz Yanes, Solo quiero caminar
Ahmad Bahrani, The wasteland
Ahmad Reza Darvish, Duel
Ahmad Reza Darvish, Kimia

Ai Weiwei, The human flow
Aitor Arregi, Handia
Aki Kaurismaki, the match factory girl
Aki Kaurismaki, Lights in the dusk
Aki Kaurismaki, The other side of hope
Akira Kurosawa, General impression

Akira Kurosawa, Το μυστικό φρούριο
Akira Kurosawa, Ikiruκαταδικασμένος)
Akira Kurosawa, Dodesukaden
Akira Kurosawa, Dreams
Akira Kurosawa, Seven Samurai.
Akira Kurosawa, Sugata Sanshiro
Akira Kurosawa, Sanshiro Sugata 2
Akira Kurosawa, The most beautiful
Akira Kurosawa, The men who tread on the tiger's trail

Akira Kurosawa, No regrets for our youth
Akira Kurosawa, One wonderful sunday

Akira Kurosawa, Drunken angel
Akira Kurosawa, The quiet duel
Akira Kurosawa, Stray dog
Akira Kurosawa, Scandal
Akira Kurosawa, Rashomon
Akira Kurosawa, I live in fear

Akira Kurosawa, The throne of blood
Akira Kurosawa, The lower depths
Akira Kurosawa, The bad sleep well

Akira Kurosawa, Yojimbo
Akira Kurosawa, Sanjuro
Akira Kurosawa, High and low
Akira Kurosawa, Red bird
Akira Kurosawa, Dersu Uzala

Akira Kurosawa, Kagemusha
Akira Kurosawa, Ran

Akira Kurosawa, Rapsody in August
Akira Kurosawa, Madadayo
Alain Corneau, Fort Saganne
Alain Guiraudie, Viens je t' emmene
Alain Monne, L' homme de chevet
Alain Resnais, Les statues meurent aussi
Alain Resnais, Last year in Marienbad
Alain Resnais, Hiroshima, mon amour
Alan Lo Shun-Chuen, Girls in the hood
Alan Parker, Angel heart
Albert Dupontel, Au revoir la-haut
Albert Dupontel, Adieu, les cons
Albert Hughes, Alpha
Albert Lamorisse, The lovers' wind
Albert Serra, Pacifiction
Alberto Rodriguez, Modelo 77
Aleem Khan, After love
Alejandro Amenabar, Mar adentro
Alejandro Amenabar, Abre los ojos
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, 21 grams
Alejandro Jodorowsky, La danza de la realidad
Alexandro Loayza Grisi, Utama
Keshishian, Love and other disasters

Aleksandar Petrovic, I even met happy gypsies
Aleksandr Askoldov, The commissar
Aleksandr Gordon, Brothel lights
Aleksandre Koberidze, What do we see when we look at the sky?
Alen Drljevic, Men don't cry
Alessio Maria Federici, Terapia di copia per amanti
Alex Camilleri, Luzzu
Alex Cox, Sid and Nancy
Alex Kurtzman, The mummy
Alexander Mackendrick, Sweet smell of success
Alexander Nanau, Collectiv
Alexandr Buravskyi, Leningrad
Alexandr Dovzhenko, Zemlya
Alexandr Dovzhenko, Arsenal
Alexandr Dovzenko, Zvenygora
Alexandr Feinzimmer, Lieutenant Kije
Sokurov, Μητέρα και γιος, 1997, Πατέρας και γιος, 2003
Alexandr Sokurov, The elegy of a voyage and Sonata for viola

Alexandr Sokurov, Αλεξάνδρα
Alexandr Sokurov, Most of his feature films
Alexandr Sokurov, Francofonia
Alexandr Sokurov, Moscow elegy
Alexandre Aja, The 9th life of Luis Drax
Alexandre Arcady, Ce que le jour doit a la nuit
Alexandre Arcady, Pour Sacha
Alexandre de la patelliere et Matthieu Delaporte, Le prenom
Alexandre Jardin, Fanfan
Alexandru Belc, Metronom
Alexey German Jr, Dovlatov
Alfonso Cuaron, Roma
Alfonso Cuaron, Y tu mama tambien
Alfred Hitchcock, Foreign correspondent
Alfred Hitchcock, The lady vanishes
Alfred Hitchcock, To catch a thief
Alfred Hitchcock, Vertigo
Alfred Hitchcock, North by northwest
Alfred Hitchcock, Suspicion
Alfred Hitchcock, Notorious
Alfred Hitchcock, Rebecca
Alfred Hitchcock, Shadow of a doubt
Alfred Hitchcock, Rope
Ali Abbasi, Borders
Αli Abbasi, M for Markus
Ali Abbasi, Shelley
Ali Abbasi, Holy spider
Ali Asgari
Ali Asgari, More than two hours
Ali Asgari, The baby
Ali Asgari, Tonight is not a good night for dying
Ali Asgari, Disappearance
Ali Ghavitan, Puppets
Ali Hatami, Hajji Washington
Ali Hatami, Toghi
Ali Hatami, Mother
Ali Khazai-far, Birds of a feather
Ali Mosaffa, The last step
Ali Raffi, The fish fall in love
Ali Reza Amini, Letters in the wind
Ali Soozandeh, Tehran taboo
Ali Tabrizi, Seaspiracy
Ali Vazirian, God is close
Alina Grigore, Crai nou
Alice Diop, Saint Omer
Alice Rohrwacher, Lazzaro felice
Αlice Rorhwacher, La Chimera
Alice Vanocour, Revoir Paris
Davoodnejad, The need
Alireza Raisian, The deserted station
Alison Klayman, Ai Weiwei: Never sorry
Allison Anders u.a. Four rooms
Almoneta Alaman Kusijanovic, Murina
Alvaro Diaz Lorenzo, Senor, dame paciencia
Alvaro Fernandez Armero, Si yo fuera rico
Alvaro Gago, Matria
Amanda Kernell, Sameblod

Amanda Kernell, Charter
Amanda Sthers, Madame
Ameen Nayfe, 200 meters
Amma Assante, A united kingdom
Amir Amini, Riccardo
Amir Naderi, The runner
Amir Naderi, Trangsir, Sound barrier, Vegas
Amir Naderi, Water, wind, dust
Amir Naderi, Harmonica
Amir Naderi, Cut
Amir Naderi, Requiem
Ana Lily Amirpour, A girl walks alone at night
Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, They
Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, When the kid was a kid
Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, Needle
Anahita Ghazvinizadeh
Andre Techine, Barroco

Andrea Arnold, Cow
Andreas Fontana, Azor

Andrei Konchalovsky, Paradise
Andrei Konchalovsky, Dear comrades
Andrei Konchalovsky, Uncle Vanya
Andrei Konchalovsky, The run away train
Svyagintsev, Η εξορία

Andrei Svyagintsev, Η επιστροφή

Andrei Svyagintsev, Elena
Andrei Svyagintsev, Leviathan

Andrei Svyagintsev, Loveless
Andrei Tarkovsky, A cinema prayer
Andrei Tarkovski, Ο οδοστρωτήρας και το βιολί
Andrei Tarkovski, Τα παιδικά χρόνια του Ιβάν
Andrei Tarkovski, Andrei Roubliov
Andrei Tarkovski, Solaris
Andrei Tarkovski, Mirror
Andrei Tarkovski, Stalker
Andrei Tarkovski, Nostalgia
Andrei Tarkovski, The sacrifice
Andrei Tarkovski, The killers
Andrei Tarkovski, There will be no leave today
Andrew davis, The fugitive
Andrew Jay Kohen, The house

Andrew Jay Cohen, The house

Andrew Niccol, Anon
Andrey Kavun, Detyam do 16
Andrzej Wajda, Ashes and diamonds

Andrzej Wajda, Kanal
Andrzej, Wajda, Sibirska ledy Magbet
Andrzej Zulawski, L' important c' est d' aimer
Andrzej Zulawski, On the silver globe
Andrzej Zulawski, Boris Godunov
Andrzej Zulawski, Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours
Andrzej Zulawski, La note bleue
Andrzej Zulawski, La femme publique
Andrzej Zulawski, La fidelite
Andy Fickman, She's the man
Andy Muschiette, It
Aneesh Chaganty, Searching
Ang Li and Jun Li, Sparkling red star
Maccarone, Unveiled
Anna Muylaert, Que horas ela volta?
Anne Fletcher, Dumplin
Anne Fontain, Les innocentes

Annette K. Olensen, Lille soldat
Anthony Chen, Ili Ilo
Anthony Chen, Wet season
Anthony Chen, The breaking ice
Anthony Chen, The break away
Antoine Barraud, Madeleine Collins
Antoine Blossier, Remi sans famille
Antoine Fuqua, Olympus has fallen
Antoine Fuqua, The magnificent seven
Antonio Mercero, Y tu quien eres?
Antonio Mercero, Planta 4

Antonio Mercero, La cabina
Antonio Naharro, Yo, tambien
Antonio Pedro Vasconcelos, A bela e o paparazzo
Antonio Pietrangeli, I knew her very well
Antony Bourdain, Parts unknown-Iran
Antony and Joe Russo, Avengers: Infinity war
Antony Minghella, Cold mountain
Anup Singh, The song of scorpions
Arab and Tarzan Nasser, Gaza, mon amour
Arash Kamali Sarvestani, For ever
Arash T. Riahi, For a moment of freedom
Arby Ovanessian, The spring
Ardeshir Irani, The lor girl
Ariel Winograd, El robo del siglo
Arlene Dallalfar, Fereydoun Safizadeh, Tha Shahsavan nomads of Iran
Armando Iannucci, The death of Stalin
Armando Iannucci, The personal history of David Copperfield
Arnaud des Pallieres, Orphan
Arnaud Desplechin, Frere et soeur
Arthur Hiller, Outrageous fortune
Arthur Hiller, Love story
Arthur Penn, The little big man
Arturo Ripstein, El castillo de la pureza
Farhadi, Ένας χωρισμός et.al.
Asghar Farhadi, Le passe και Χορεύοντας στη σκόνη

Asghar Farhadi, Fireworks Wednesday
Asghar Farhadi, The salesman
Asghar Farhadi, Todos lo saben
Asghar Farhadi, A hero
Rahimi, The stone of patience
Atiq Rahimi, Earth and ashes
Atom Egoyan, Remember
Atom Egoyan, Guest of honor
Audrey Diwan, L' evenement
Audrey Estrougo, La taularde
Augusto Genina, Prix de beaute
Mograbi, Για ένα μόνο από τα δυο μου μάτια
Axelle Ropert, Petite Solange
Ayten Amin, Souad
Azizollah Hamidnezhad, Tears of the cold

Babak Anvari, Under the shadow
Babak Jalali
Babak Jalali, Heydar, an Afghan in Tehran
Jalali, Frontier blues
Babak Jalali, Radio dreams
Babak Jalali, Fremont
Babak Najafi, Proud Mary
Babak Najafi, Sebbe
Babak Najafi, London has fallen
Payami, Secret ballot
Babak Payami, One more day
Bahman Farmanara, booye kafour, atre yas και Tall shadows of the wind
Bahman Farmanara, Prince Ehtejab
Gobadi  (all)
Bahman Gobadi, Marooned in Iraq and Turtles can fly
Bahman Gobadi, Rhino season
Beizai, Ballad of Tara and Maybe some other time

Bahram Beizai, Yazdgerd

Bahram Beizai, Bashu
Bahram Beizai, Downpour
Bahram Beizai, Safar
Bahram Beizai, Amo sibilo
Bahram Beizai, Stranger and the fog
Bahram Beizai, Killing mad dogs (Sagkoshi)
Bahram Tavakoli, Here without me
Bahram Tavakoli, The lost strait

Bakhtiar Khudojnazarov, Luna papa
Baltasar Kormakur, Adrift
Schroeder, Murder by numbers
Barbet Schroeder, Barfly
Barmak Akhram, L' enfant de Kaboul
Barry Jenkins, Moonlight
Barry Jenkins, If beale street could talk
Barry Levinson, Rain man
Barry Sonnenfeld, The Addams family και Addams family values
Bart Freundlich, After the wedding
Bavo Defurne, Souvenir
Bayram Fazli, Have you another apple?

Behnam Bahzadi, Talafi
Afkhami, Shokaran
Behrooz Afkhami, Bride
Behtash Sanaeeha, Risk of acid rain
Behtash Sanaeeha, Maryam Moghadam, Ballad of a white cow
Bela Bhansali Sehgal, Shirin Farhad
Bela Tarr, The Turin horse
Bela Tarr, Family nest
Bela Tarr, The outsider
Bela Tarr, The prefable people
Bela Tarr, Almanac of fall
Bela Tarr, Damnation
Bela Tarr, Satantango
Bela Tarr, Werkmeister,s harmonies
Bela Tarr, The man from London
Ben Affleck, Argo
Ben Lewin, Please stand by
Ben Palmer, Man up
Benedicte Acolas, Une histoire d' ame
Benjamin Millepied, Carmen
Benjamin Naishat, Rojo
Bernard Schmitt, Pacific Palisades
Bernardo Bertolucci, Il comformista
Bonello, L' apollonide
Βertrand Bonello, La bete
Bertrand Mandico, Les garcons sauvages
Bill Pohlad, Love and mercy
Bille August, The chinese widow
Billy Wilder, Some like it hot

Billy Wilder, Witness for the prosecution
Billy Wilder, The appartment
Billy Wilder, Irma la douce
Billy Wilder, Sunset boulevard
Bing Wang and Shui Hua, The white-haired girl
Bjorn Runge, The wife
Blake Edwards, The pink panther
Blake Edward, Breakfast at Tiffany's
Blerta Basholli, Hive
Bo Widerberg, Wild duck
Bob Fosse, Lenny
Bob Rafelson, The postman always rings twice
Bob Yari, Papa: Hemingway in Cuba
Boo Junfeng, Apprentice
Bora Tagtekin, Fuck you Gohte
Boris Barnet, Okraina
Boris Barnet, The house in the Trubnoy square
Brad Anderson, Beirut
Bradley Cooper, A star is born
Brady Corbet, The childhood of a leader
Brady Corbet, Vox lux
Brahmanand S. Singh, Jhalki
Brett Haley, The hero
Brett Morgen, Jane
Brian Levant, The spy next door
Brian Smrz, 24 hours to live
Brian Taylor, Mom and dad
Brian Trenchard-Smith, Sahara
Bryan Singer, Bohemian Rhapsody
Bruce Beresford, Mr. Church
Bruno Dumont, Ma lute
Bryan Bucley, The pirates of Somalia
Bu Wancang, Love and duty
Bu Wancang, The peach girl
Bu Wancang, A spray of plum blossom
Bu Wancang, The light of maternal instict
Bu Wancang, Hua Mulan
Bu Wancang, Dream of the red mansion
Bu Wancang, Dreams come true
Bujar Alimani, Delegacioni
Buster Keaton, Sherlock Jr.
Buster Keaton, Our hospitality
Buster Keaton, The cameraman
Cagan Irmak, Issiz adam
Cai Chusheng, Spring in the south
Cai Chusheng, A dream in pink
Ming Liang, He liu (το ποτάμι)

Camilo Tavares, O dia que durou 21 anos
Carine Tardieu, Otez-moi d' un doute
Carine Tardieu, Les jeunes amants
Carl Brunker, The nutjob 2-Nutty by nature
Carl Dreyer, Michael
Carla Simon, Estiu
Carla Simon, Alcaras
Saura, Antonieta

Carlos Vermut, Quien te cantara
Carol Dysinger, Learning to skateboard
Carol Reed, The stars look down
Carol Reed, The third man
Caroline Vignal, Antoinette dans les Cevennes
Carter Smith, The ruins
Cary Fukunaga, Beasts of no nations
Cary Fukunaga, No time to die
Casey Affleck, Light in my life
Catherine Breillat, L' ete derniere
Catherine Corsini, Un amour impossible
Cedric Jimenez, The man with the iron heart

Cedric Jimenez, Novembre
Cedric Kahn, Making of
Cedric Klapish, En corpsi
Celine Sciamma, Portrait de la jeune fille en feu
Celine Schiamma, Petite maman
Cengiz Ozgarabekir, Kalimera glikia patrida
Ceyda Torun, Kedi
Chang-dong Lee, Burning
Chantal Akerman, La captive
Chantal Akerman, Jeannne Dielman
Charles Brabant and Marcello Pagliero, La putain respectueuse
Charles Crichton, A fish called Wanda
Charles Crichton, The Lavender hill mob
Charles Crichton, The battle of the sexes
Charles Laughton, The night of the hunter
Charles Walters, High society
Charlie Caufman,
Charlie Chaplin, Monsieur Verdoux
Charlene Favier, Slalom
Charlin Bourgeois-Tacquet, Les amours d' Anais
Charlotte le Bon, Falcon lake
Charlotte Reagan, Scrapper
Checco Zalone, Tolo tolo
Cheick Oumar Sissoko, Guimba the tyrant
Chen Cheng, Matchless Mulan
Chen Feihong, My best friend's wedding
Chen Guofu, The message
Cheng Guofu, The peony pavilion
Κaige, Μαζί
Chen Kaige,
Κίτρινη γη
Chen Kaige, Caught in the web

Chen Kaige, Legend of the demon cat
Chen Kaige et.al. The battle at the lake Changjin
Chen Kengran, Shang Guanwu-Woman warrior of the wild river 6
Chen Li, The story of Zhou Enlai

Cheng Bugao, Spring silkworms
Cheng Bugao, New and old Shanghai
Cheng Shiqing, Lady of the dynasty
Chen Yushan, Our times
Cheuk Man Au, The gigolo
Cheung Chun-Chi, Lan Kwai Fong swingers
Chie Hayakawa, Plan 75
Ching Siu-tung, The sorcerer and the white snake
Chloe Zhao, Songs my brothers taught me

Chloe Zhao, The rider
Chloe Zhao, Nomadland

Choe Dong-Joon, Si Ma-Ke, Love of the white snake

Chris Sanders, The call of the wild
Chris Columbus, Only the lonely
Christian Jaque, Les petroleuses
Christian Petzold, Barbara

Christian Petzold, Transit
Christian Petzold, Sueden
Christian Petzold, Undine
Christian Petzold, Ostwaerts

Christian Petzold, Das warme Geld
Christian Petzold, Pilotinnen
Christian Petzold, Cuba libre

Christian Petzold, Die Beischlafdiebin
Christian Petzold, Die innere Sicherheit
Christian Petzold, Toter man
Christian Petzold, Wolfsburg

Christian Petzold, Gespenster

Christian Petzold, Yella
Christian Petzold, Jerichow
Christian Petzold, Drei Leben, Etwas besseres als der Tod
Christian Petzold, Phoenix
Christian Petzold, Polizeiruf 110, Kreise
Christian Petzold, Polizeiruf 110, Woelfe
Christian Petzold, Polizeiruf 110, Tatorte
Christian Petzold, Afire
Christophe Barratier, Les choristes
Christoph Hochhausler, Eine Minute Dunkel
Christophe Duthuron, Les vieux fourneaux
Christophe Honore, Chambre 212
Christopher Cassel, Oppenheimer
Christopher McQuarrie, Mission impossible: Fallout
Christopher Nolan, Interstellar
Christopher Nolan, Dunkirk
Christopher Nolan, Inception
Christopher Nolan, Tenet
Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer
Christy Hall, Daddio
Ciro Guerra, Embrace the serpent
Claire Denis, Un beau soleil interieur
Claire Denis, Avec amour et acharnement
Claude Lelouch, Iran
Claude Pinoteau, La boum
Claude Pinoteau, La boum 2
Claude Pinoteau, L' etudiante
Claude Saudet, Mado
Claudio Giovannesi, La paranza dei bambini
Coen brothers, Blood simple
Coen brothers, Fargo

Coen brothers, Blood simple

Coen brothers, The great Lebowski
Colm Bairead, The quiet girl
Coralie Fargeat, Revenge
Cornel Wilde, Beach red
Corneliu Porumboiu, All his feature films
Porumboiu, East of Bucharest

Corneliu Porumboiu, Liviu's dream
Corneliu Porumboiu, Police, adjective
Corneliu Porumboiu, When evening falls on Bucharest
Corneliu Porumboiu, The treasure
Corneliu Porumboiu, The whistlers
Craig Brewer, Dolemite is my name
Craig Gillespie, The finest hours
Craig Mazin, Superhero movie
Cristeles Alves Meira, Viva alma
Cristi Puiu, The death of Mr. Lazarescu
Cristian Mungiu, 4 weeks, 3 months and 2 days
Cristian Mungiu, Occident
Cristian Mungiu, Dupa dealuri
Cristian Mungiu, Bacalaureat
Cynthia Mort, Nina
Cyrus Norwasteh, The stoning of Soraya

Damien Chazelle, La la land
Damjan Kozole, Slovenka
Dama Lustig, Wild cherry
Dan Dayu, The cave of the silken web
Dani de la Orden, Hasta que la boda nos separe
Dani Levy, Alles auf Zucker
Daniel Augusto, Paulo Coelho's best story
Daniel Duval, La derobade
Daniel Losset, Le maitre qui lessait les enfent rever
Daniels, Everything, everywhere, all at once
Danielle Arbid, Passion simple
Danis Tanovic, Most of his movies
Danny Boyle,
Slumdog millionaire
Danny Boyle, Steve Jobs
Danny Strong, Rebel in the rye
Dany Boon, Raid Dinge
Daoud Abdel Sayed, Kit kat

Darezhan Omirbayev, Killers
Mehrjui, Most of his films
Dariush Mehrjui, Leila

Dariush Mehrjui, Mr Naive
Dariush Mehrjui, Ο κύκλος
Dariush Mehrjui,
The postman
Dariush Mehrjui, Mum's guests, fractalart
Dariush Mehrjui, The tenants

Darko Bajic, Black bomber and War live
Darrel Roodt, 7 movies
Darren Aronofsky, The wrestler
Darren Aronofsky, Mother

Darya Charusha, The marathon of desires
David Ayer, Fury
David Blair, Hurricane
David Bradley, Peer Gynt
David Cronenberg, Dangerous method
David Dobkin, The judge
David Dobkin, Wedding crashers
David F. Sandberg, Anabelle: creation
David F. Sandberg, Shazam!
David Fincher,
Social network
David Fincher,
The curious case of Benjamin Button
David Fincher, Gone girl
David Fincher, Mank
David Lam, Water margin: heroes' sex stories
David Lean, Most of his films
David Lean, Some of the rest
David Leveau, The exception
David Lynch, The straight story
David Oelhoffen, Loin des hommes
David Robert Mitchell, Under the silver lake
David Raymond, Nomis
David Trueba, Vivir es facil con los ojos cerrados
David Trueba, Soldados de Salamina
David Wnendt, Die Kriegerin

David Wnendt, Look who's back
David Yates, Sex traffic
Davood Mir-Bagheri, The snowman
Davy Chou, Retour a Seoul
Debra Granik, Leave no trace
Denise Villeneuve, Blade runner 2049
Dennis Berry, Chloe
Dennis Ducan, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry
Dennis Gansel, Die Welle
Dennis Hopper, The last movie
Derek Jarman, Wittgenstein
Destin Daniel Cretton, Just mercy
Diana Agron et.al. Berlin, I love you
Diane Kurys, Je reste
Diao Yinan, his first three movies
Diao Yinan, The wild goose lake
Dick Lau, Emmanuelle in Hong Kong
Ding Yinnan, Lu Xun
Ding Yinnan, Zhou Enlai
Ding Yinnan, Deng Xiaoping
Dino Risi, Il sorpasso
Dino Risi, Un amore a Roma
Djibril Diop Mambety, Touki Bouki
Djibril Diop Mambety, Most of his movies
Djo Tunda Wa Munga, Viva Riva
Dmitri Meskhiev, Our own
Dominique Abel, Paris pieds nus
Dominique Rocher, The night that eats the world
Dominic Cooke, On Chesil Beach
Dominic Savage, The escape
Dominik Graf, Komm mir nicht nach
Dominique Farrugia-Sous la meme toit
Don Siegel, The shootist
Donald Petrie, Little Italy
Donato Carrisi, La ragazza nella nebia
Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman, Loving Vincent
Dorris Doerrie, Cherry blossoms
Dorris Doerrie, Maenner und 8 andere deutschen Comedien
Doug Liman, The wall
Drake Doremus, Zoe
Du Min,
Οι μικροί τραγουδιστές της όπερας του Πεκίνου
Du Mingxin, The women-generals of the Yang family
Duccio Tessari, Zorro
Duccio Tessari, Una pistola per Ringo
Dusan Kovacevic, Balkanski spijun
Dusan Kovacevic, Profesionalac
Dusan Makavejev, The mysteries of organism and Sweet movie
Dusan Milic, Darkling
Dusan Milic, Jagoda
Dusan Milic, Gucha
Dziga Vertov, The man with the moving camera
Dziga Vertov, Enthusiasm
Dziga Vertov, Kino glaz και Kino pravda No. 21
Dziga Vertov, Three songs for Lenin
Dziga Vertov, One sixth of the world
Dziga Vertov, Stride, soviet
Forouzesh, Τα παιδιά του πετρελαίου
Ebrahim Forouzesh, some of his films
Ebrahim Golestan, Brick and mirror
Ebrahim Golestan, The ghost valley's treasure mysteries

Ebrahim Hatamikia, Low hights,
Ebrahim Hatamikia, The scent of Joseph'se coat
Ebrahim Hatamikia, The immigrant
Ebrahim Hatamikia, Bodyguard
Ebrahim Hatamikia, The tower of Manoo
Ebrahim Hatamikia, The scout

Ebrahim Hatamikia, From Karkheh to Rhein
Edgar Wright, Shaun of the dead
Edouard Deluc, Gaugin
Edouard Molinaro, La cage aux folles
Edouard Molinaro, L' emmerdeur
Ehsan Khoshbakht, Filmfarsi
Ehsan Mirhosseini and Bardia Yadegari, District terminal
Elchin Musaoglu, Nabat
Eleanor Coppola, Paris can wait
Eleanore Pourriat, Je ne suis pas un homme facile
Elem Klimov, Almost all his movies
Elem Klimov, Welcome
Elem Klimov, Farewell
Elem Klimov, Agony
Elem Klimov, Come and see
Elem Klimov, Adventures of a dentist
Hosseinzade, Silent companion

Eli Craig, Dale and Tucker vs evil
Elia Kazan, On the waterfront
Elia Kazan, Wild river
Elia Kazan, Viva Zapata
Elia Kazan, The arrangement
Elia Kazan, Babydoll
Le temps qui reste 
Elia Suleiman, It must be heaven
Elija Bynum, Hot summer nights
Elisa Fuksas, The app
Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, Free solo
Emad Khodabakhsh, Season of life
Emerald Fennel, Promising young woman
Emil Lartigau, La famille Belier
Emil Loteanu,
Красные поляны
Emilio Martinez Lazaro, Las treces rosas
Emily Atef, Irgendwann werden uns Alles erzaehlen
Emir Kusturica, On the milky road
Emir Kusturica, Guernica
Emir Kusturica, The brides are coming
Emir Kusturica, Bife Titanik
Emir Kusturica, Do you remember Dolly Bell?
Emir Kusturica, When father was away on business
Emir Kusturica, Time of the Gypsies
Emir Kusturica, Arizona dream
Emir Kusturica, Underground

Emir Kusturica, Black cat, white cat

Emir Kusturica, Super 8 stories

Emir Kusturica, Life is a miracle
Emir Kusturica, Maradona
Emir Kusturica, Promise me this

Emir Kusturica, El Pepe: una vida suprema
Emmanuel Hamon, Exfiltres
Emmanuel Mouret, Chronique d' une liaison passagere

Εmmanuelle Nicot, Dalva

Enzo Barboni, Trinity is still my name
Eran Creevy, Collide
Eran Kolirin, Let it be morning
Lemon tree και Die Welle
Eran Riklis, Spider in the web
Erich von Stroheim, The greed

Ericson Core, Togo
Ermano Olmi, Il posto

Ermano Olmi, L' albero degli zoccoli
Ernesto Contreras, Sueno en otro idioma
Ernst De Geer, Hypnosen
Ernst Lubitsch, To be or not to be
Errol Morris, The thin blue line
Erwin Leiser, Mein Kampf 

Espen Sandberg, Joachim Roenning, Pirates of the Carribean: Salazar' s revenge
Εstibaliz Urresola Solaguren, 20000 especies de abejas
Ettore Scola, Una giornata particolare
Ettore Scola, La famiglia
Eugenio Derbez, No se aceptan devoluciones
Eugenio Martin, Pancho Villa
Eunhee Huh, My heart beats
Εva Husson, Mothering sunday
F. Gary Gray, The fate of the furious
Fabrizio Terranova, Donna Haraway
Fan Ho, Brief encounter
Fan Ho, Temptation summary II
Fan Jianhui, Who is undercover
Fang Song, The calming
Farhad Safinia, The professor and the madman
Fariborz Kamkari, Βlack tape

Farnoosh Samadi
Farnoosh Samadi, Gaze
Farrokh Ghaffari

Farrokh Ghaffari, South of the city
Farrokh Ghaffari, Night of the hunchback
Farshid Mesghali, Gray city
Akin, All his films
Fatih Akin, The cut
Fatih Akin, Kebab connection
Fatih Akin, Polluting Paradise
Fatih Akin, Tschick
Fatih Akin, In the fade
Fatih Akin, Der goldene Handschuh
Fatih Akin, Rheingold
Fausto Tozzi, Trastevere
Federico Fellini etc. Boccaccio 70
Federico Fellini, 8,5

Federico Fellini, La strada

Federico Fellini, La dolce vita

Federico Fellini, Le notti di Cabiria
Federico Fellini, Giulietta degli spiriti
Federico Fellini, I vitelloni
Felix van Groeningen, Beautiful boy
Feng Xiaogang, Gone forever with my love

Feng Xiaogang, The dream factory
Feng Xiaogang, Be there or be square
Feng Xiaogang, Sorry baby
Feng Xiaogang, Sigh
Feng Xiaogang, Big shot's funeral
Feng Xiaogang, Cell phone
Feng Xiaogang, A world without thieves

Feng Xiaogang, Νυχτερινό συμπόσιο

Feng Xiaogang, Assembly
Feng Xiaogang, If